December 1, 2016
A. Since the “holidays” are not here yet are you assuming they will be stressful? Be here with us today and let’s get a quick plan. Where do you think the stress will come from? Too much to do, feelings from past situations, financial and other worries, far to many parties to attend???
First: exhale reallyslowly as if blowing out a hundred candles to let out some of that CO2 you been converting from breathing rapidly just thinking about the days to come. Second: write down your to do’s and worries. Now go through the list and cross out a few that you really don’t want to do. Free yourself of some obligations, ask for what you want, pay someone to do a few things or start a new tradition. Think about what is in your control and be brave about speaking up to see what solutions you can work out. Send me a short note if you have specific things that this does not address. Kathleen Kirk