risks and courage


On my jersey is a Bead of Courage pin from a wonderful program in Tucson.  This serves as a reminder that life is full of risks every day and to put it in perspective. More important is that it honors the courage of children hospitalized with serious challenges.  They receive a bead for every medical procedure and collect a long string of beads to acknowledge their courage in battle.  I can celebrate health by riding to  honor a child then write a story about the bead. 

Consider how you remind yourself to be brave and bold when you want to stop yourself due to worries.

Every day is unpredictable despite our best efforts to be safe.  A rider got hurt and then there was an awful accident with a car rolling across the road near our group of riders. This frightened us all yet we continued on talking about how we have to live wide and full and go for what we want. These events are powerful reminders of how fragile life can be. 

Today  I needed a sign on my back at one point: beware a  slow moving vehicle. There was a point it seemed like it would be faster to walk the bike than to slog along and this made me laugh.  We rode 102 miles from Thompson Falls to Missoula, Montana. Parts of the ride were picture perfect like in the movies, the Clark Fork River flowing,  tree lined winding roads, wild flowers etc....This area is known for the rough-skinned newt which describes most cyclists in the Southwest!  




   PLEASE JOIN ME ON ON THIS JOURNEY BY SUPPORTING this incredible charity. http://www.ranchofeliz.com/?p=560