Simplified Skillful Motivation

When you feel like quitting, think about WHY you set a goal

Here's a simple process I use for motivation to accomplish a goal.  

Motivation is an inside job.   Three to do's:

1.  Your mind needs a reason WHY to get you going.  State clearly and concisely what you plan to do and why.  The brain can lead the body to do it.  

2.  You need to renew it often.  A daily reminder of your intention keeps you focused.

3.  Use inspiration which comes from things outside of you to add to your motivation.  This can be done with quotes, reading about others accomplishments, photos, music, even looking around at nature and the wonders of our incredible planet. 

 We left Sandpoint, Idaho this morning  " one of the most beautiful small towns in the USA"  It sits along the the Lake Pend Oreille surrounded by 3 mountain ranges.   Lovely scenery as we rolled into Montana.  We are still averaging over 100 miles a day so being able to motivate oneself and find inspiration through others and the beauty that surrounds us keeps the  pedals moving.